Sunday, January 4, 2015

Weeks 12, 13, & 14 Highlights!

Welcome back to school in the new year! December was such a busy month and I fell behind on updating all of you on what's been happening in the classroom - my apologies! However... our class bloggers have been doing an amazing job keeping up for me. Here are the past updates for December:

December 5, 2014

Hello, this week has been a great week from start to end. Given from coming back from the exciting Thanksgiving break, we have eased into the classroom vibe successfully and enjoyably. On Wednesday, we had dental screening to keep our teeth clean and healthy. Unfortunately, there has been a sickness going around taking Ms. Staab out for a day. We missed her too, on Thursday for a student teacher training meeting, but on Friday, today she teaches again!

This week, we have been studying the Preamble to the Constitution, on behalf of our Civics unit. We have read many books about the Constitution, and learned the meanings in the Preamble phrases. This week, we have been researching the seven regions of the USA and played Kahoot, a trivia game that was used with Chromebooks with our teams that studied the regions.

December 12, 2014

Hello everyone we had a normal good week. We have been playing Kahoot, an online trivia game that we have been using to test our knowledge on Civics. Kahoot has been a success in Room 307!

If you haven't heard about our new social studies unit, it is Toy Company. Toy Company is where we form groups to make toys, and along the way, we learn about the economy of making a business. Here are the business names:

Silly Boys makes Silly Putty in different colors.
Keychain Cutesies makes trinkets and keychains.

Doll Accessories makes dresses, etc. for dolls.

Stitched & Stuffed makes stuffed animals for all genders.

Essential Origami makes origami.

A Mile of Crayons use crayon scraps and reform them into modern molds.

We will have an update on how the companies are doing next time!

December 19, 2014

Hi everyone, this week we have been soaking up the last bit of school until break. We are looking forward to the holidays and have been making the most out of fun. We have done gingerbread houses, K/1 Buddies (help them make their gingerbread houses), and our first class auction!

During auctions, Ms. Staab or Ms. Trapp gives us the cash in our bank accounts (from our bonuses, salary, other earnings). There are lots of fun toys and candy getting auctioned off to the highest bidder. This is a time where most people spend most of their money. How it work is Ms. Staab raises a toy in the auction and people bid and the last person with their paddle up gets the toy/prize. We had some other interesting prizes besides toys. There were a few "No Homework" passes, Starbucks drink, switch desks with Ms. Staab/Ms. Trapp for a day, etc. It was a lot of fun! We look forward to the next one. Happy winter break!

Your Class Bloggers,

Noah & Lillian

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