Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Supply List for 2014-15

Welcome to a new school year! I am looking forward to reconnecting with returning families and getting to know the new families. This blog/class website will be the primary method of communication (unless families prefer notes home), so the first thing that needs to be done is to sign up to get these blog updates through e-mail. Many returning families still have not signed up through e-mail - you are not required to, but it is an easier way to stay connected if you want e-mail updates instead of checking the blog each week. To sign up, please click on the subscribe by email button on the right. After doing so, you have to confirm from your e-mail - many people forget this step!

As families begin to prepare and start to think about gearing up for the school year, I wanted to post a supply list to help guide in the madness of back-to-school shopping! If you are unable to purchase any of the supplies, please let me know and I am happy to provide supplies for students!

Personal Supplies:
-3 ring binder (1 or 1.5 inch)
-5 tab divider
-3 ring pencil pouch (that clips into the binder)
-1 clipboard
-1 pair of student scissors (I recommend 5-6 inch scissors that will fit the student's hand)
-3 jumbo glue sticks
-mechanical pencils (0.7)
-0.7 lead
-1 soft eraser
-1 composition notebook
*If the student was NOT in Room 307 last year, please bring a USB Memory Stick (any size). If the student WAS in Room 307, I have kept their USB and we will use the same ones again this year.

Shared Supplies:
-2-3 Clorox wipes (no baby wipes, please)
-2-3 boxes of Kleenex
-1 gallon-sized Ziploc bags
-2 black Flair pens
-0.7 lead (as much as possible!)

*If you are able, please consider donating $5 to other classroom supplies which have been purchased and will be used by students including: math binders, notebooks, folders, pencil pouches, etc.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the supplies or if you would like me to have all of the items ready for your child on the first day of school. I hope to see many of you at the "Ready, Set, School" event on August 28th (6:00-7:30)!

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