Friday, November 8, 2013

Highlights from Week 9 &10!

With all of the festivities from the previous week, I am combining the updates from the past two weeks into one post! I cannot believe it is already November! The weeks are flying by... which brings me to my first reminder to families about wearing coats to schools. Our new school policy is that most days, we will be sending students out for rainy day recess. PLEASE make sure that your child is wearing a coat with a hood - if you do not have one, please talk to me and I will help to provide a raincoat for your child to wear. I always tell me students, "We live in Seattle... it rains! You must wear a coat on rainy days!" Which leads into my next reminder: students are getting colds and many are sick. If your child is too sick to come to school, please keep them home. It is in the best interest of the child and for other students if your child takes the time to rest and get better!

In other news, our class is preparing for conferences that are coming up! This year, students will be required to come with families to the conferences and they will lead the discussions. I will send out more detail in the coming weeks, but please sign up if you have not done so. Next week, I will send out reminders of times that families have signed up for.

-Last week, we made apple sauce in the classroom and wrote "how-to" steps on making apple sauce. We used a Crock Pot, so it was really simple and delicious! If you would like to make it at home, here is the link: Sarah's Apple Sauce.
-We continued writing our realistic fiction story drafts and many have started the revision process.
-Our math unit will end next week! The unit math test will be given on the following week before school gets out. I am emphasizing students showing work in all of their math probelms. Parents can help by also reiterating this point at home with homework.
-We started our Ice Cream Sundae Challenge for learning our multplication facts!
-In our Book Clubs, we are learning the different roles each member: predictor, summarizer, questioner, and wordsmith. Students get a chance to have each job and the discussions are centered around these roles.
-Last week, we also went to Peppi's Park to plant in the woods with our little buddies from Room 206. It was such a lovely time and I want to thank parents who came out to help and lead the small groups! :)
-Here are some of the pictures from the events from the past two weeks!

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